Our academic community is made up of people who respect one another, respect the dignity and beliefs of others, and protect the good name of the University of Lodz.
After all, being a student of the University of Lodz obliges! From the moment you join our community, you will have to follow a few rules. However, this also means that we as a university have obligations towards you! All this is set out in the Rules of Study at the University of Lodz.

The Rules of Study constitute a set of regulations that define the organisation of studies and the related rights and obligations of students. They are adopted by the Senate of the University of Lodz and should become compulsory reading for all the students.
Feel free to to read it – knowledge sets you free!

Section I, "General Provisions" informs about the manner of dealing with individual student cases, the decisions made in the course of studies and the possibilities to appeal against them.
Section II, i.e. "Student’s Rights and Obligations. Awards and Distinctions" is a section which presents the student's rights guaranteed by the university, such as respect for personal dignity by every member of the academic community or association in the University's student organisations, in particular in academic clubs and artistic and sports teams, and others. The duties of a student are also indicated, e.g.: the student should act in accordance with the oath, the Statute of the University of Lodz, the Rules of Study and other regulations in force at the university, and in particular take care of the dignity of the student and the good name of the university. This section contains regulations pertaining to the organisation of studies after being included in the students’ register (information about the need to sign an agreement; about setting up an e-mail account in the university domain together with a login (username) and a password, which are later used to log into other University of Lodz systems, e.g. USOSWEB; about the need to undergo compulsory training). Additionally, the section includes information on how to obtain credits, take examinations, and fulfil any other obligations related to the pursuit of study and the anti-plagiarism procedure. Students distinguished by their remarkable study achievements, and exemplary handling of their responsibilities, may be granted the University of Lodz awards and distinctions, such as a congratulation letter from the Rector or a medal for excellent study achievements.
Section III, "Taking up studies" indicates situations in which a student may apply for resumption of studies; cases in which the Dean may acknowledge the subjects already passed, e.g. when repeating a year or taking up studies after a leave of absence; criteria for granting an individual study plan and programme (IPS), as well as individual organisation of studies (IOS).
Section VI, "Completion of a semester/study year" sets out the criteria for conditional passing, repeating a semester/study year, passing subjects to continue the studies; the ways in which course completion and final course assessments are carried out and the student's rights and obligations in relation to them; the cases in which the Dean removes a student from the list of students and when they may be removed from the list.
Section VIII, "Leaves of absence from study" sets out circumstances in which the student may be granted a leave of absence during their studies.
Section IX, "Diploma thesis (Master’s, and Bachelor’s, including Bachelor of Engineering)" contains information on the thesis.
Section X, "Diploma examination" pertains to the diploma examination (Master’s, and Bachelor’s, including Bachelor of Science) and thus, graduation.