Polityka Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego wobec narzędzi generatywnej sztucznej inteligencji

Due to the proliferation of generative artificial intelligence tools, the Lodz University Press is introducing a policy towards AI, i.e. rules for authors, editors of journals and multi-author monographs and reviewers.

The text of the policy, which in line with the recommendations of the Stowarzyszenie Wydawców Szkół Wyższych [Association of University Publishers] and the Committee on Publication Ethics, is available HERE, as well as on the websites of the academic journals of the University.

The text of the statement for authors on the use of artificial intelligence tools will be included in the author agreements. Authors of submitted papers who have used the above-mentioned tools will be asked to provide the name of the tool, its version and to indicate all commands.