Gala stypendialna Młodzi w Łodzi. UŁ wśród fundatorów

The grand gala organised by TME in the Machine Hall in EC1 was the culmination of the largest scholarship programme in Poland, Młodzi w Łodzi [Youth in Lodz], and an opportunity to honour over two hundred scholarship holders supported by the City of Lodz Office, companies and institutions from Lodz, including the University of Lodz.



The uniqueness of the programme on a national scale, the involvement of Lodz business and universities, and the achievements of the scholarship holders themselves were emphasized by the Vice Mayor of Lodz, Adam Pustelnik, in his speech opening the gala. He thanked all partners – founders of the financial and material scholarships, as well as students-beneficiaries of the programme who want to build their professional future and career in Lodz.

Then, the Vice-President presented letters of congratulation to 46 Mayor of Lodz scholarship holders. In the next part of the gala, representatives of leading companies and universities from Lodz took over the stage, handing out symbolic cheques of their financial and material scholarships to students – participants in the programme. There were also congratulations and speeches from employers emphasizing the importance of young people for the development of their companies and the city itself.

On behalf of the University of Lodz, which provided places in its dormitories for five scholarship holders, the cheques were presented to the students by Prof. Agnieszka Kurczewska, the University of Lodz Vice-Rector for External Relations.

The full list of the scholarship holders and supporting companies

Source: Młodzi w Łodzi
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz
Photos: The City of Lodz Office