The Civic Budget, due to its participatory nature, is one of the tools to strengthen the engagement, sense of fitness and development of the University of Lodz. Thanks to it our communities of students and doctoral students have a real impact on the development of the university and its activities.
I would like to thank all project authors, students and doctoral students for their active participation in promoting initiatives engaging the University of Lodz community.
Initiatives and projects as part of "wspUŁrządzimy" could be submitted until 26 March by all individuals who have the status of a student or doctoral student of the University of Lodz. You could apply both individually and in teams, including mixed teams, i.e. teams of student and doctoral students. The maximum amount of costs of one project could not exceed 30% of the total budget amount established for a given calendar year (this year, the overall Civic Budget of the University of Lodz is PLN 300,000).
You can read more about the civic budget on the website of the University of Lodz – the schedule will be updated soon.
Source: Social Affairs Centre for Students and Doctoral Students, University of Lodz
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz
Photo: Bartosz Kałużny, Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz