Opis studiów

The studies at the master level of Business Management aim at providing the future graduates with a multi-dimensional, managerial understanding of business, and business organisations.

The graduates shall be prepared to serve as managers of support units or consultants for managers in their business decision-making process and analysis at any level of an organisation.

The MA in Business Management programme has been accredited by the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE).

logo IACBE

The accreditation confirms compliance with the requirements for efficient functioning, excellence in teaching, professional management, and good relations with business. The accreditation guarantees that the students will obtain state-of-the-art professional knowledge and skills as well as a degree that is valued on the labour market. 
 Some characteristics of the study programme

This programme is addressed to people who possess a creative ability to learn and are willing to put their both old and newly acquired knowledge contents in a new context, namely that of business organisations. This programme is for those who are prepared to share knowledge, skills, and attitudes with other people of different backgrounds. The students will be exposed to diversity as well as to decision-making in the class, where they will attempt at addressing problems through participation in business simulations and projects undertaken in real business organisations.

This programme is open for people with a Bachelor's degree in any specialisation. Beyond the academic quality of the bachelor diploma, the decisive element in the recruitment process will be an individual interview with each candidate. The candidates are also expected to deliver a candidate statement in line with the instructions.

MS Teams and Moodle can be used to conduct classes.

Programme Council:

associate professor Maciej Turała, Ph.D.
assiociate professor Jerzy S. Czarnecki, Ph.D.

associate professor Ilona  Świątek-Barylska Ph.D., associate professor Jakub Marszałek, Ph.D., associate professor Ewelina Zarzycka, Ph.D.

Studia płatne. Opłaty za usługi edukacyjne UŁ.
Paid studies. Tuition fee rates.

Główne przedmioty

Zasady przyjęć

Absolwenci studiów licencjackich (równorzędnych) i magisterskich (równorzędnych) wszystkich kierunków studiów przyjmowani będą na podstawie pisemnego opracowania na wskazany temat oraz rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej w języku angielskim. W przypadku zbyt dużej liczby kandydatów, którzy pozytywnie przejdą rozmowę kwalifikacyjną, kolejnym kryterium naboru będzie konkurs dyplomów. Dziekan może odstąpić od konkursu dyplomów.

Studia w języku angielskim. Od kandydatów wymagana jest znajomość języka angielskiego na poziomie zaawansowanym.


The programme is intended for a group of 30 students.

Participation in the programme requires that a tuition fee is paid by all students: from the EU (including Poland) and from outside of the EU.

Recruitment process for EU nationals:

The candidates who are EU nationals (including Polish nationals) are requested to register here.

Following the registration, please prepare a candidate statement in line with the instructions.
Send the statement to:

The interviews will be scheduled on July 19st, 2024 Candidates will be informed of the particular time of their interview. A single interview takes about half an hour.

Recruitment process for non-EU nationals:

The candidates who are not EU nationals are requested to register here.

When registering, please prepare and upload a candidate statement in the admission system together with your application.
Please prepare it in line with the instructions.

Attend the interview on the MS Teams platform. Candidates will be informed of the particular dates and times of their interviews. A single interview takes about half an hour to one hour.


Co dalej?

Kontakt dla kandydata


Telefon: (42) 635 50 51

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