European Accounting Association Virtual Annual Congress, Responsible business and social media: trust building CSR communication on Twitter (Ewelina Zarzycka , Dorota Dobija, Joanna Krasodomska)

European Accounting Association Virtual Annual Congress, Maybe it is Time to Let the Old Ways Die: Use of Key Performance Indicators in Corporate Reporting (Ewelina Zarzycka, Joanna Krasodomska)

European Accounting Association Virtual Annual Congress, Online-only learning during the COVID- 19 pandemic: What determines student engagement? (Ewelina Zarzycka, Joanna Krasodomska, Monika Turek-Radwan, Anna Mazurczak-Mąka )


Research Seminar Accounting Theory & Research, Innsbruck, Austria, Struggles of recognition. The case of accounting professionalization in Poland, (Rafael Heinzelmann, Ewelina Zarzycka, Justyna Dobroszek)

IAAER and ACCA Early Career Researchers Workshop, Bukareszt/Rumunia, Dialogic Accounting and Involuntary Disclosures: Investigating the Stakeholder-Company Communication on Social Media, (Ewelina Zarzycka , Dorota Dobija, Joanna Krasodomska)


15th Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (Qatar University), Doha, Katar, Attitudes towards ABC and problems in its implementation in Polish and Lithuanian companies (Ceslovas Christauskas, Żaneta Pietrzak, Tomasz Wnuk-Pel)

15th Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (Qatar University), Doha, Katar, The journey from mudd to a green dream – motives and the role of the performance measurement system (Jan Alpenberg, Tomasz Wnuk-Pel)

15th Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (Qatar University), Doha, Katar, Wise managers think about circular economy, wiser report and analyse it. Research on environmental reporting practices in EU production companies (Lina Dagiliene, Maciej Frendzel, Kristina Sutiene, Tomasz Wnuk-Pel)

15th Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (Qatar University), Doha, Katar, The gap in the use of management accounting methods in enterprises in Poland (Marta Kawczyńska)

3rd Trends in Accuonting Research Conference (Kiel University of Applied Sciences), Kilonia, Niemcy, Attitudes towards ABC in Polish and Lithuanian companies (Ceslovas Christauskas, Żaneta Pietrzak, Tomasz Wnuk-Pel)

3rd Trends in Accuonting Research Conference (Kiel University of Applied Sciences), Kilonia, Niemcy, Institutional pressures on environmental reporting and circular economy (Lina Dagiliene, Maciej Frendzel, Kristina Sutiene, Tomasz Wnuk-Pel)

3rd Trends in Accuonting Research Conference (Kiel University of Applied Sciences), Kilonia, Niemcy, Motives and the role of the performance measurement system in the journey from mudd to a grean dream (Jan Alpenberg, Tomasz Wnuk-Pel)

3rd Trends in Accuonting Research Conference (Kiel University of Applied Sciences), Kilonia, Niemcy, Convergence of management and financial accounting: Family firms, SMEs, and differencesbetween countries (Robert Rieg, Ewelina Zarzycka, Justyna Dobroszek )

3rd Trends in Accuonting Research Conference (Kiel University of Applied Sciences), Kilonia, Niemcy, The gap in the use of management accounting methods in enterprises in Poland (Marta Kawczyńska)

13th International Conference „Challenges of Europe: Growth, Competiveness, Innovation and Well-being, Bol, Chorwacja, The financial efficiency of the loan schemes, on the example of Poland (Halina Waniak-Michalak,  Jan Michalak)

13th International Conference „Challenges of Europe: Growth, Competiveness, Innovation and Well-being, Bol, Chorwacja, UE aid to emerging economies – the sunk money or the investment? – the case of a loan-guarantee system in Poland, 2019-05-22 – 2019-05-24, Halina Waniak-Michalak, Jan Michalak

European Accounting Association Congress, Pafos, Cypr, STORIES ON ACCOUNTABILITY IN UNIVERSITIES REPORTS (Jan Michalak, Halina Waniak-Michalak, Justyna Fijałkowska)


41st Congress of European Accounting Association (Bocconi University), Mediolan, Włochy, Management accounting practices in support of lean management strategy in service organization (Tomasz Wnuk-Pel)

41st Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, (Bocconi University), Mediolan Włochy, 29.05 -1.06.2018, Management accounting practices in Poland since the 1990s: progress or stabilization? (Anna Szychta)

14th Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association Conference, Waseda University, Tokio, Japonia, Identyfying barriers to adopting ABC in Polish companies (Tomasz Wnuk-Pel, Wioleta Miodek)

14th Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association Conference, Waseda University, Tokio, Japonia, The Influence of Information Quality on the Quality of Operational Budgeting in Companies in Poland – a Survey Research (Żaneta Pietrzak)

14th Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association Conference, Waseda University, Tokio, Japonia, The use of management accounting methods in organizations in Poland and Sweden (Marta Kawczyńska)

32nd IBIMA Conference, Hiszpania, Sevilla, 32nd IBIMA Conference (Michał Biernacki, Justyna Dobroszek, Małgorzata Macuda)
EAA 41st ANNUAL CONGRESS, Włochy, Milan, Managers’ perception of management accounting information system in transition countries. A cluster analysis (Justyna Dobroszek, Ewelina Zarzycka, Alina Almasan, Cristina Circa)

European University Association (EUA) – 4th EUA Funding Forum hosted by Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain from Thursday, Jacek Kalinowski

Accounting and Management Information Systems, Rumunia, Bukareszt, Performance of loan and guarantee funds in Poland. How business elements influence it? (Halina Waniak-Michalak,  Jan Michalak , Sara Gheribi) 

IAAER ACCA Central and Eastern European Emerging Accounting Scholars Research Workshop, Rumunia, Bukareszt, Corporate narratives of companies involved in corporate scandals (Halina Waniak-Michalak, Jan Michalak, Ulle Parl)



13th Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association Conference (Shanghai Jao Tong University), Szanghaj, Chiny, Management accounting practices in support of lean management strategy (Tomasz Wnuk-Pel)

13th Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association Conference (Shanghai Jao Tong University), Szanghaj, Chiny, The use of environmental indicators in local government – a case study of Växjö Municipality (Jan Alpenberg, Tomasz Wnuk-Pel)

2nd Trends in Accounting Research Conference (Kaunas University of Technology), Kowno, Litwa, Expected impact of an ERP implementation on the quality of information (Artur Jabłoński, Marta Kawczyńska, Żaneta Pietrzak, Tomasz Wnuk-Pel)

2nd Trends in Accounting Research Conference (Kaunas University of Technology), Kowno, Litwa, Management accounting system in support of lean strategy (Tomasz Wnuk-Pel)

2nd Trends in Accounting Research Conference (Kaunas University of Technology), Kowno, Litwa, The use of environmental indicators in local government – a case study of Växjö Municipality (Jan Alpenberg, Tomasz Wnuk-Pel)

2nd Trends in Accounting Research Conference (Kaunas University of Technology), Kowno, Litwa, EBITDA adjustments – in the search of the indicator of operating cash flows (Przemysław Czajor, Marcin Michalak)

2nd Trends in Accounting Research Conference – TARC 2017, (Kaunas University of Technology), Kowno, Litwa, 4-6.10.2017, Management accounting practices in Poland: the direction of changes (Anna Szychta)

MIRDEC – International Academic Conference on Social Science, Hiszpania, Madryt, IDENTIFICATION OF PROFFESSIONS INVOLVED IN THE PROCESS OF LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT (Justyna Dobroszek, Lena Grzesiak)

14th Annual Conference for Management Accounting Research, Niemcy, Vallendar, Being a management accountant in a shared services centre (Lauri Lepistö, Sinikka Lepistö, Justyna Dobroszek, Ewelina Zarzycka)

TARC Trends in Accounting Research Conference, Litwa, Kaunas, Juxtaposing Control and Innovation: Evidence from the Lean Environment of Business Process  (Ewelina Zarzycka, Justyna Dobroszek, Lauri Lepistö, Sinikka Lepistö)

TARC Trends in Accounting Research Conference, Litwa, Kaunas, Identification of Professions Involved in the Process of Logistics Management (Justyna Dobroszek, Lena Grzesiak)

AMIS Conference, Rumunia, Bukareszt, THE PERCEIVED SUITABILITY OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING INFORMATION: A CONTINGENCY BASED INVESTIGATION  (Ewelina Zarzycka, Justyna Dobroszek, Alina Almasan, Cristina Circa)

40th EAA Annual Congress, Hiszpania, Walencja, MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING AND CONTROLLING IN POLAND IN 1990-2016 FROM THE ACADEMIC PERSPECTIVE (AnnaSzychta, Justyna Dobroszek)

 Accounting and Management Information Systems, Rumunia, Bukareszt, Does simplified accounting limit small and micro companies’ access to bank financing? (Halina Waniak-Michalak)

Forum in Accounting, Business and Economics for Young Researcher and Academic Staff – FABE, Polska, Łódź, Controlling and management accounting: perception in Poland (Anna Szychta)


12th Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association Conference (National Taipei University), Tajpej, Tajwan, Operational budgeting practices. Polish and Lithuanian companies experience (Ceslovas Christauskas, Tomasz Wnuk-Pel)

12th Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association Conference (National Taipei University), Tajpej, Tajwan, Impact of integrated information system implementation on the quality of information obtained from management accounting system (Artur Jabłoński, Marta Kawczyńska, Żaneta Pietrzak, Tomasz Wnuk-Pel)

12th Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association Conference (National Taipei University), Tajpej, Tajwan, Environmental reporting in Swedish municipalities (Jan Alpenberg, Amanda Henebäck, Tomasz Wnuk-Pel)

12th International Conference – ICTERI (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv), Kijów, Ukraina, Impact of integrated information system implementation on the quality of information obtained from management accounting system – case study (Artur Jabłoński, Marta Kawczyńska, Żaneta Pietrzak, Tomasz Wnuk-Pel)

Accounting, Analysis and Audit: History, Present and Prospects (St. Petersburg University), Petersburg, Rosja, Operational budgeting practices. Polish and Lithuanian companies experience (Ceslovas Christauskas, Tomasz Wnuk-Pel)

10TH CONFERENCE ON NEW DIRECTIONS IN MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING, Bruksela, Belgia, Controlling outsourced management accounting: Combining control archetypes for seeking legitimacy ( Sinikka Lepistö, Lauri Lepistö, Justyna Dobroszek, Ewelina Zarzycka)

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on ACCOUNTING, AUDITING and TAXATION, Estonia, Talin, Perception of Management Accounting and Controlling by Polish Authors in Publications in 1990–2016 (Anna Szychta, Justyna Dobroszek)

International Management Accounting Research Seminar  (Tampere University of Technology), Finlandia, Tampere, Being a management accountant in the outsourcing company: An exploration of possibilities and challenges for the identity construction (Lauri Lepistö,  Sinikka Lepistö, Justyna Dobroszek, Ewelina Zarzycka)

AMIS Conference, Rumunia, Bukareszt,THE MANAGERS’ PERCEPTION ON THE USEFULNESS OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING – THE CASE OF CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE (Justyna Dobroszek, Ewelina Zarzycka, Alina Almasan, Cristina Circa)

MIRDEC 2016-Conference on Social, Economics, Business and Educational Science, Węgry, Budapeszt, he Managers’ PErception on the Usefulness of Management Accounting: A Comparative Study (Justyna Dobroszek, Ewelina Zarzycka, Alina Almasan, Cristina Circa)