Support and Accessibility Centre
University of Lodz
152 Pomorska Street
91-404 Lodz
Phone: 42 665 51 65, 42 235 01 80
E-mail: cwid@uni.lodz.pl
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 8 am - 3 pm
Tuesday: 8 am - 5 pm
The aim of the Support and Accessibility Centre of the University of Lodz is to provide support to those members of the academic community of the University of Lodz who need it for various reasons, with particular emphasis on people with disabilities and/or deficits or difficulties in the study process. We approach each person individually - we learn about their specific needs. We get to know each person individually - we get to know their specific needs and psycho-physical possibilities and select the appropriate types of support so that they can fully participate in the study process. The scope of activities of the University's Support and Accessibility Centre includes primarily support in the following areas:
- equalising educational opportunities,
- solving educational difficulties resulting from health and/or adaptation issues - support from an educational consultant,
- mental health hygiene - free psychological consultations,
- coaching,
- adjustment of physical education classes,
- personal development - consultations, trainings and workshops,
- specialist consultations, including speech therapy,
- addiction prevention and therapy,
- running a lending library for specialist equipment,
- obtaining financial assistance in the form of a scholarship for people with disabilities,
- other - depending on needs and possibilities.
The main task of the Support and Accessibility Centre (CWiD) of the University of Lodz is to create conditions for disabled people to fully participate in:
- the process of admitting candidates to a University for learning purposes,
- the educational process,
- conducting scientific activity.
This task is carried out using the funds of the earmarked subsidy allocated for this purpose by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The funds from the subsidy are intended to provide candidates for studies, students, doctoral students and employees with conditions allowing full participation in the process of admission to studies and to doctoral schools, in education at studies and at doctoral schools or in conducting scientific activity.
Financial resources may be spent, inter alia, for language courses for students, doctoral students and university employees, for specialised training, including courses enabling the disabled students and doctoral students spatial orientation at the University, for the purchase of equipment and specialised devices supporting the teaching process, the purchase of specialist and scientific literature for University libraries for the disabled, for adjusting the infrastructure.
Thanks to the subsidy, CWiD UL can incur expenses related to people with disabilities holding a certificate of the degree of disability, as well as the expenses related to people with disabilities who do not have an appropriate certificate.
Detailed criteria and forms of support implemented by CWiD UL are defined in:
"Regulations on granting support and spending subsidies for tasks related to providing people with disabilities with conditions for full participation in the process of admission to studies and to doctoral schools, in education at studies and at doctoral schools or in conducting scientific activity at the University of Lodz".
Files to download
Files to download
If you experience difficulties in studying and learning and hold a valid certificate of disability, you can take advantage of various forms of educational support, e.g. individual consultations or training in the field of learning strategies, time management, effective memory techniques, creative thinking, team work, self-presentation, communication without barriers, but also coaching and mentoring or mindfulness training.
What should be done?
Make an appointment with an educational consultant to jointly analyse your current educational needs and to search for and plan solutions. You can do it via e-mail:cwid@uni.lodz.pl or in person (ul. Pomorska 152, Łódź).
If you are a person with disabilities and/or health difficulties, you have the right to ask for an opinion on the adaptation of the teaching process to your needs.
The UL Rector's Representative for Persons with Disabilities may issue, at your request, an opinion addressed to persons conducting classes, specifying the limitations resulting from your disability and indicating alternative forms of taking exams and obtaining credits.
For people requesting an opinion
As a student seeking support at the Support and Accessibility Centre (CWiD UL) you will take part in a conversation aimed to learn about your situation, needs, difficulties and expectations related to the implementation of the teaching process. We will inform you about the date and form of an individual conversation by phone or by e-mail. If you are not yet registered at the Support and Accessibility Centre of the University of Lodz, we will additionally ask you to fill in the registration form and provide us with a certificate of the degree of disability, if you already have such a document.
What should be done?
Contact us by e-mail: cwid@uni.lodz.pl or come in person (ul. Pomorska 152, Łódź).
Individual coaching
Coaching is a method of working with a client that is a synthesis of many multidisciplinary and theoretical approaches conducive to intentional change. It stimulates thoughts, allows you to define personal goals and mobilises to make a change in areas that we consider our weaknesses. This method is recommended for people who want to free their passions, set goals, create an action plan for their implementation and better discover their own potential.
Coach: Dr Marcin Muszyński
Before the FIRST visit:
- Register with our Center - fill the registration form and application for support
- Give the completed documents to us by email or in person - if you have a disability certificate, attach a scan or bring it with you
SIGN UP for a coaching appointment through Booking - click on the RESERVE TERM and log in with your student account login.
If you have any questions:
- Call: 42 665 51 65
- email: cwid@uni.lodz.pl
- come in person to our office, 152 Pomorska St., Lodz
The adventure with volleyball is not only for people with full fitness. This type of sport does not require any additional equipment - to play it is enough to sit on the floor. Trainings are held periodically under the supervision of qualified staff (the trainer is Piotr Jaworowicz) with the participation of SSN START ŁÓDŹ players.
If you want to learn more about the rules of the game, watch the video.
Physical education classes at the University of Lodz are part of the study schedule and are held at the University of Lodz Physical Education and Sports Centre, which accepts disability certificates. If you are a student with a physical disability or health difficulties, you can use physical rehabilitation classes until your graduation. Physical Education and Sports Centre of the University of Lodz, within its activities concerning physical education classes, creates conditions for participation in sports and recreational activities for people with different interests and people of different levels of physical fitness, including those who were previously on sick leave.
If you want to learn more, contact the UL Physical Education and Sports Centre.
If you have any questions or doubts, please contact us by e-mail: cwid@uni.lodz.pl or come in person (ul. Pomorska 152, Łódź).
To use the support, register at CWiD UL:
fill the registration form and application for support
scan itand send it to the following address: cwid@uni.lodz.pl or come to us in person
If you have any questions:
- Call: 42 665 51 65
- email: cwid@uni.lodz.pl
- come in person to our office, 152 Pomorska St., Lodz
Students and doctoral students with disabilities can benefit from the support of an assistant for persons with disabilities. The scope of his/her duties will meet your individual needs and will relate to the study process. It can include, for example, providing help in taking notes, overcoming architectural barriers on the way to classes, the library, consultations, etc., offering help in contacting lecturers on matters related to studying or in settling formalities at the University (e.g. at the Dean's Office).
Who can become an assistant for persons with disabilities? The UL student, e.g. a friend from the group or - in justified cases - a person from the outside of the University can become an assistant. Lack of experience is not an obstacle to becoming an assistant as candidates for future assistants take part in training courses organised by CWiD UL. In addition, the assistant can use the support of our employees at any time.
If you need an assistant's support, contact CWiD UL. We will look for the right person together. If you already have a classmate or colleague who can act as an assistant - come to us together.
The assistant enters into a contract of mandate with the University of Lodz through the Support and Accessibility Centre of the University of Lodz and is paid monthly on the basis of the assistant's working time sheet.
What should be done?
To use the support, register at CWiD UL:
- Fill the registration form and the application for support
- Give the completed documents to us by email or in person - if you have a disability certificate, attach a scan or bring it with you
After obtaining the consent of the Head of CWiD UL (Bartosz Stępień - bartosz.stepien@uni.lodz.pl), we will invite you to sign a contract with Support and Accessibility Centre UL.
Then make an appointment with the CWiD UL: cwid@uni.lodz.pl, with whom you will discuss all the formalities.
If you have any questions:
- Call: 42 665 51 65
- email: cwid@uni.lodz.pl
- come in person to our office, 152 Pomorska St., Lodz
If you are a student with a mobility disability and you want to use free transport within the administrative boundaries of the city of Lodz, from your place of residence to the University premises and back, you can use the support offered jointly by the University of Lodz and MPK Łódź sp. z o.o.
Transport services can be used by students/doctoral students registered at the Support and Accessibility Centre of the University of Lodz, after obtaining the consent of the Head of CWiD UL - Bartosz Stępień.
If you are not yet registered at the Support and Accessibility Centre of the University of Lodz, we will additionally ask you to fill in the registration form and provide us with a certificate of the degree of disability, if you already have such a document.
What should be done?
Contact us by e-mail: cwid@uni.lodz.pl.
You can deliver all documents in person, in the form of a traditional letter or by e-mail.
To use the support, register at CWiD UL:
- Fill the registration form and the application for support
- Give the completed documents to us by email or in person - if you have a disability certificate, attach a scan or bring it with you
If you have any questions:
- Call: 42 665 51 65
- email: cwid@uni.lodz.pl
- come in person to our office, 152 Pomorska St., Lodz
Files to download
If you are a student with disabilities, you can rent specialised equipment that will facilitate your studies and give you equal opportunities in the education process.
What should be done?
Contact the Support and Accessibility Centre of the University of Lodz and fill the equipment rental application form.
If you are not yet registered at the Support and Accessibility Centre of the University of Lodz, we will additionally ask you to fill in the registration form and provide us with a certificate of the degree of disability, if you already have such a document.
After obtaining the consent of the Head of CWiD UL - Bartosz Stępień - bartosz.stepien@uni.lodz.pl, we will enter into a contract with you, including information on the time and scope of using specialised equipment.
You can deliver all documents in person, in the form of a traditional letter or by e-mail.
Remember to familiarise with the Regulations for renting specialised equipment.
1. Compact + portable electronic enlargers
2. MilestoneDaisy 312 voice recorders for the visually impaired
3. Olympus digital voice recorders
4. Oticon Amigo FM systems
5. Portable driveway ramps Type DF
6. Okolux Plus Mobil LED 20D, 24D, 39D, 48D, 56 D magnifier
7. Olympus LS-P4 voice recorder
8. SmartLoop portable induction loop
9. Zoomax M5 HD Plus - electronic magnifier, enlarger
10. Portable FM set with neck loop
11. Samsung Galaxy Tab tablets
12. Perkins Focus 14 Blue Braille keyboard with Braille display
13. Bellman Audio Maxi personal sound amplifier for the hearing impaired
14. Blaze ET sound player with a tripod for the visually impaired;
15. Victor Reader Stream sound player for the visually impaired
16. Maltron 3D specialised keyboard
17. SimplyWorks Joystick alternative computer mouse (joystick type)
18. MathType computer program
19. DoubleCheck ‘talking’ calculators
20. Czytak 4 (players with voice recorders)
21. Specializde Keyboard Big Keys LX
22. Canes for the blind people
If you have any questions or doubts, please contact us by e-mail: cwid@uni.lodz.pl or come in person (ul. Pomorska 152, Łódź).
To use the support, register at CWiD UL:
- Fill the registration form and the application for support
- Give the completed documents to us by email or in person - if you have a disability certificate, attach a scan or bring it with you
If you have any questions:
- Call: 42 665 51 65
- email: cwid@uni.lodz.pl
- come in person to our office, 152 Pomorska St., Lodz
Students with a physical or visual disability can use specialised equipment at the University of Lodz Library at ul. Matejki 32/38. The work rooms are located on the 2nd floor in the new building of the Library.
Due to the pandemic, the rules of work organisation at the UL Library have changed. Read more (LINK TO University of Lodz Library website http://www.lib.uni.lodz.pl/)
ViewPlus Pro Gen II Braille printer
Professional, efficient Braille printer that prints text and convex graphics in high resolution, with black print on the Braille printout.
Computer workstation WINDOW-EYES PL 6.1
It enables visually impaired or blind people to use a computer in the scope of operating programs: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, email and Internet use. A computer workstation with WindowEyes Pro PL 6.1 screen reader software is a specialised computer workstation where all information can be simultaneously: displayed on an ordinary screen monitor with the possibility of any image enlargement, "displayed" on a 64-character Braille display (Braille line), read by an automatic voice-over (several speech synthesisers to choose). The workstation allows visually impaired or blind people to use computer programs primarily dedicated for entering text data (also by using a special scanner and OCR program), editing them, using e-mail account, using the Internet or, for example, sending text messages (SMS).
POET Compact voice-over device
It enables the visually impaired or blind people to read any text in a printed (black print) form using an automatic voice-over. The device works as an intelligent scanner that recognises the printed text from a book or magazine which is placed on it and it reads the text with the voice of an automatic reader. It allows to adjust the reading speed, save the scanned text in the memory and store it on a USB flash drive.
MyReader enlarger
It enables the visually impaired to read on the screen monitor. It works as an intelligent scanner that recognises the printed text from a book or magazine placed on it and displays it on a screen monitor, giving the possibility of smooth adjustment of the text size and the speed of automatic movement of the text being read.
Intellikeys keyboard
Touch computer keyboard with the possibility of using a very different arrangement, size and appearance of the keys (it can also be drawings). It is enough to change the overlay with one layout drawn on the keyboard to another. You can press the keys with your fingers, foot, nose or chin.
Big Keys LX keyboard
A keyboard with four times enlarged keys. Especially recommended for people who have problems with dexterity of the upper limbs and for the visually impaired. An additional plastic cover prevents from pressing several keys at the same time - to press a key you have to directly hit the cutout.
One-handed Maltron keyboard (left-handed)
Specially designed for people who use the computer with one hand. The shape and placement of the keys have been carefully thought out and selected to minimise hand movements while typing and ensure the most comfortable work.
Smart Nav AT computer mouse
The computer mouse for people who cannot use a hand-controlled mouse. Thanks to Smart Nav mouse the cursor is controlled by means of head movements.
Track Ball
Enlarged computer mouse. It has been designed so that people with hand disabilities could easily and precisely move the cursor on the monitor screen.
If you have any questions:
- Call: 42 665 51 65
- email: cwid@uni.lodz.pl
- come in person to our office, 152 Pomorska St., Lodz
Are you looking for support in coping with various changes and challenges that occur in the study process? You can contact the psychologists employed at the Support and Accessibility Centre of the University of Lodz (CWiD UL), who will provide you with personalised psychological support.
Before the meeting, read the rules of psychological support at the CWiD UL (ACW UL).
To use the support, register at CWiD UL:
- fill the registration form and application for support
- scan it and send it to the following address: cwid@uni.lodz.pl or come to us in person
If you have any questions:
- Call: 42 665 51 65
- email: cwid@uni.lodz.pl
- come in person to our office, 152 Pomorska St., Lodz
Files to download

Silence - it seems to be something that has no particular impact on our lives. We often associate it with loneliness, sadness or emptiness. It happens that we run away from it and do everything not to experience it. However, silence is one of the important factors contributing to the reduction of psychophysical tension.
If you want to experience it, we invite you to a Relaxation Zone at the Support and Accessibility Centre of the University of Lodz. The Relaxation Zone is a modern and comfortable place where you can come within certain hours without booking an appointment. Before entering the Relaxation Zone, remember to get familiar with its regulations. Then take off your shoes (oh yes, in the Relaxation Zone we remove our shoes and wear only socks) and enjoy ... the silence!
Hours of use of the relaxation area:
CWiD UŁ opening hours. We suggest you call before you come to make sure there are no workshops taking place in the Relaxation Zone, in which case you will not be able to take advantage of the quiet hours.
Relaxation in practice
These are workshops during which we propose a number of accessible methods of relaxation that can be used in almost all conditions. During the workshops, we practice methods of reducing psychophysical tension such as:
- breathing techniques
- elements of mindfulness-based stress reduction training
- Jacobson progressive muscle relaxation
- relaxation by autosuggestion according to autogenic training by Schultz’s
- visualizations
How to rest? Ways to reduce psychophysical tension
Date: 30.10.2024, 2 - 3 pm
Form: stationary at CWiD UŁ, the Relaxation Zone of the CWiD UL (Pomorska 152, Łódź)
Before entering the Relaxation Zone, remember to get familiar with its regulations. Then take off your shoes (oh yes, in the Relaxation Zone we remove our shoes and wear only socks). Most of the activities are carried out in a lying or sitting position, allowing to feel better connection with your body and deeper relaxation, so please remember to wear comfortable clothes.
How to sign up?
- fill the registration form and application for support
- scan itand send it to the following address: cwid@uni.lodz.pl or come to us in person
If you have any questions:
- Call: 42 665 51 65
- email: cwid@uni.lodz.pl
- come in person to our office, 152 Pomorska St., Lodz
Files to download
- you are experiencing a strong mental crisis,
- you are in a difficult life situation that disrupts your thinking and acting,
- thoughts and emotions overwhelm you and hinder everyday functioning,
- you have a feeling of losing control over yourself and your life,
- you need to talk about the difficulties you are experiencing,
you can visit psychologists working at the UL Support and Accessibility Centre for psychological support and/or use the generally available options: crisis intervention or helplines. Some of these possibilities are presented below and in the attached document. Some of them are open 24 hours a day!
- Free crisis phone of the Polish Migration Forum in Ukrainian and Russian
P: +48 669 981 038 (open Mon. 4 p.m. - 8 p.m., Wed. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Fri. 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.)
- Free telephone support of the Damian Medical Center in Polish and Russian
P: +48 22 566 22 27 (open Tue. 8 a.m. - 1 p.m., Wed. 5 p.m. - 8 p.m., Fri. 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.) Helpline - Mindgram - Mindgram (https://mindgram.com/pl/linia-wsparcia/)
From 25 February 2022, webinars in the field of dealing with difficult emotions are also carried out.Helpline of "Nagle Sami" Foundation
P: 800 108 108(Mon. and Tue. 5 p.m. - 8 p.m.)
Calls are free, consultants speak Ukrainian, Russian and PolishSupport group, individual meetings with psychotherapists - HaKoach Association - support for Ukrainian citizens residing in Łódź.
P: +48 506 558 006, e-mail: hakoach.lodz@gmail.com.- Crisis Intervention Centre in Lodz
The Crisis Intervention Centre in Lodz offers free psychological help for people who find themselves in a difficult life situation.
P: +48 42 630 11 02 (open from Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.)
- Helpline at the Crisis Intervention Centre:
P: 19 288 (open from Monday to Friday, 8 p.m. - 8 a.m., on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays 24 hours a day)
- Helpline for adults
P: 116 123 (open from Monday to Sunday, 2 p.m. - 10 p.m.)
- Antidepressant Helpline of the Itaka Foundation
P: 22 484 88 01 (open from Monday to Friday, 3 p.m. - 8 p.m.)
If you don’t feel like calling, write an e-mail: porady@stopdepresji.pl
- National Ambulance Service for Victims of Domestic Violence "Niebieska Linia" - for victims and witnesses
P: 800 120 002 (open 24/7) o write: niebieskalinia@niebieskalinia.info
- Helpline for bereaved people of the Nagle Sami Foundation
P: 800 108 108 (open from Monday to Friday, 2 p.m. - 8 p.m.)
- Life is worth discussing: click to go to the website of zwjr.pl
- Forum Against Depression: click to go to the website forumprzeciwdepresji.pl
In the event of an imminent threat to health and/or life, call the emergency number 112
You can also use psychological support in other places outside the University of Lodz.
Some of them with addresses and contact details can be found in the attached document.
You can look for information on mental health centres throughout Poland, for example here:
The World of Clinic
National Health Fund (NFZ) - available dates
Information booklet on contracts concluded with the National Health Fund (NFZ)
Crisis Intervention Centres Poland