Doktorat wdrożeniowy 2024. Trzy wnioski z UŁ zakwalifikowane


Three applications from the University of Lodz are among 157 those initially qualified for funding in the "Industrial Doctoral Programme", implemented by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. A total of 406 applications were submitted to this year's edition of the programme from universities and scientific and research institutes.

"Industrial Doctoral Programme" is a programme that is an alternative wy to obtain a PhD degree for people who want to combine a scientific career with professional work outside the university. It is to create conditions for the development of cooperation between entities of the higher education system and science with the socio-economic environment, conducted within doctoral schools and consisting in educating doctoral students in cooperation with entrepreneurs employing them or other entities. Its effect is the implementation of the results of the scientific activity conducted by doctoral students in these entities.

This year, the University of Lodz submitted five applications for the programme. The three that received preliminary approval concern the following fields and disciplines:

  • Humanities, discipline of ethnology and cultural anthropology
  • Social Sciences, discipline of management and quality science
  • Social Sciences, discipline of pedagogy

Thanks to the “Industrial Doctoral Programme”, which launched in 2017 by the then Ministry of Education and Science, almost 3,000 people have so far taken advantage of the opportunity to obtain a PhD degree.

Full list of qualified applicants

Source: Ministry of Science and Higher Education 
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz