Appendixs to the Regulations - doctoral proceedings:
1. The candidate for the award of a doctoral degree shall submit – at least 14 days prior to the meeting of the Committee for academic degrees in the discipline of management and quality sciences at the University of Lodz – the application for the initiation of proceedings for the conferment of a doctoral degree (appendix 5 to the Regulations).
2. The application shall be accompanied by:
- a certificate of completion of training at the doctoral school (together with a copy of the opinion of the supervisor appointed by the Doctoral School)
- a copy of the decision on the appointment of a supervisor at the Doctoral School
- 4 copies of the doctoral dissertation together with the abstract in paper form and on a electronic storage medium – a USB stick (an electronic version of the dissertation together with the abstract should be sent to
- an abstract in English, and if the dissertation is prepared in a foreign language, also an abstract in Polish, together with its electronic version, which should be sent to
- the statement about the dissertation (appendix 14 to the Regulations)
- a copy of the general report of the anti-plagiarism system of the aforementioned doctoral dissertation (using JSA) submitted to the Doctoral School (certified as a true copy by an SDNS employee)
- statement of the supervisor in the doctoral proceeding (appendix 13 to the Regulations)
- opinion (sample 1) of the supervisor in the doctoral proceedings regarding the dissertation and proposed reviewers
- a certificate (appendix 1 to the Regulations) in a modern foreign language or a university diploma, certifying knowledge of this language at a language proficiency level of at least B2. If an applicant for a doctoral degree does not have a certificate or a university diploma, he/she is obliged to apply (sample 2) to the Committee for academic degrees in the discipline of management and quality sciences at the University of Lodz an application to appoint a Committee to conduct an examination in knowledge of a modern foreign language
- a copy or photocopy of the diploma of completion of second-cycle studies degree or a uniform master's degree (certified as a true copy by the entity issuing the document)
- personal questionnaire - appendix 6 to the Regulations
- the statement of having read and understood the GDPR information clause - appendix 11 to the Regulations
- information on scientific achievements including authorship/co-authorship (in accordance with the provisions set forth in Article 186 (1) item. 3 Law of July 20, 2018. – Law on Higher Education and Science and in Article 179 (6) pt. 1-2 of the Act of July 3, 2018. – Regulations introducing the Law – Law on higher education and science) - sample 3
- 1 scientific article published in a scientific journal or in peer-reviewed materials of an international conference, which, in the year the article was published in its final form, was included in the list compiled in accordance with the regulations issued pursuant to Article 267 (2)(2)(b):
- list of journals or
- 1 scientific monograph published by a publishing house which, in the year of the publication of the monograph in its final form, was included in the list drawn up in accordance with the regulations issued pursuant to Article 267(2)(2)(a), or a chapter in such a monograph (list of publishing houses)
3. An individual who has previously sought a doctoral degree should include details regarding the progress of the doctoral dissertation or the procedures for obtaining a doctoral degree from the institution where they were pursued.
4. The Committee for scientific degrees appoint three reviewers from among persons who are not employees of the doctoral subject and the university, institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, research institute, and international institute whose employee is the applicant for the doctoral degree.
5. The dissertation reviewers are recommended to the UŁ Commission by the Dean's College, selecting three of the five candidates proposed by the dissertation supervisor.
6. The reviewers shall prepare a review of the doctoral dissertation within 2 months from the date of its delivery.
In cases where doctoral degree proceedings start more than 2 years after completing the doctoral school training, the Committee may conduct doctoral examinations to assess the attainment of study effects at PQF level 8 if there has been a significant change in scientific knowledge within the relevant discipline, especially concerning the doctoral dissertation topic.
1. Before being admitted to the defence, the applicant for the doctoral degree is required to:
- deposit the electronic version of the dissertation in pdf format with an abstract in the appropriate language and reviews, and make a proper description of the dissertation; (,
- submit two copies of a signed statement on the release of the dissertation deposited in the UL Repository (appendix 3 to the Regulations).
2. A person who has received positive reviews from at least two reviewers and has met the requirements referred to in Article 186, paragraph 1, item 5 of the Law may be admitted to the defence.
3. After obtaining positive reviews (from at least two reviewers), the doctoral student shall provide the Department of Science and Doctoral Studies with an electronic version of the self-reference.
4. After reviewing the case file, in particular the dissertation and reviews, the Committee shall issue a decision on admission to the defence of the dissertation, at the same time appointing a doctoral committee and setting a date for the defence.
5. No later than 30 days before the scheduled date of the defence, the administrative secretary shall make available in the BIP of the UŁ the dissertation being a written thesis with its abstract in the appropriate language and reviews.
1. The defence shall be held at a meeting of the doctoral committee open to the public.
2. Upon completion of the defence, in a closed session, the doctoral committee shall issue a decision on acceptance/refusal to accept the defence of the dissertation. Within 7 days, the minutes of the defence, together with the decision, are forwarded to the UŁ Commission for Degrees.
1. The decision on awarding the doctoral degree shall be made by the Committee for academic degrees in the discipline of management and quality sciences at the University of Lodz.
1. A person who has been awarded a doctoral degree is obliged to deliver to the Department of Science and Doctoral Studies within one week of the awarding:
• a photocopy of the proof of payment for the issuance of the original doctoral degree together with a copy in Polish (60 PLN – for a copy in Polish) or a printed confirmation from the Internet of the payment to the University of Lodz account no:
Pekao S.A. II/O Lodz 86 1240 3028 1111 0000 2822 2488 with the annotation “Fee for a doctoral diploma – Faculty of Management, University of Lodz”;
• persons interested in a copy of the diploma in English shall submit to the Department of Science and Doctoral Studies (room 8) an application addressed to the Evaluation and Discipline Development Centre of the University of Lodz with the translated title of the dissertation together with a copy of the fee (account number as above) for the issuance of an additional copy (80 PLN).
2. A person who has been awarded a doctoral degree is obliged, within one month from the date of awarding:
• to deliver to the Department of Science and Doctoral Studies a printed and signed SYNABA
• to send an electronic version of the SYNABA via e-mail to OPI PIB at:
• to fill out the SYNABA -
Science and Doctoral Studies Unit
Faculty of Management University of Lodz
22/26 Matejki Street, 90-237 Lodz
Room 8