Konkurs na promocję działań sojuszu UNIC

The UNIC EXPERT VOICES FUND call has been launched. Its aim is to promote initiatives and good practices developed as part of the UNIC Alliance at external events. The University of Lodz will award 10 mobility grants, each worth up to PLN 2,200, so as to enable members of its community to disseminate results of cooperation under the UNIC Alliance. The deadline for the first call is 23 February 23.

The UNIC Expert Voices Fund provides academic, professional staff and students of the University of Lodz with mobility grants to attend conferences, trainings or workshops, where they can disseminate the results of collaboration with the UNIC Alliance partners.

Persons eligible to apply for the competition should meet the following requirements:

  • being employed at the University of Lodz (in a research, teaching or administrative position) or having the status of a student/doctoral researcher at the University of Lodz;
  • being involved in UNIC Alliance activities within Work Packages/Thematic Lines/Expert Groups or;
  • working closely with representatives from UNIC partner universities within the alliance thematic areas;
  • conducting any other type of cooperation with UNIC partners;
  • planning to participate in an external event (purpose of participation: presenting the results of the cooperation with UNIC Alliance partners).

More information, including the registration form and application deadlines can be found on the UNIC EXPERT VOICES FUND website.