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  • Wyszehradzki Program Stypendialny – pobyty krótkoterminowe

Wyszehradzki Program Stypendialny – pobyty krótkoterminowe

Applications for short-term stays as part of the Visegrad Fellowship Program are accepted from 1 August to 30 November 2024.

The Visegrad Fellowship Program offers funding of individual short-term stays for scholars, lecturers and researchers from V4  countries (citizens of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland or Slovakia). The country of the fellow’s citizenship must differ from the country of the host institution. In 2024, the programme is also available to Ukrainian citizens.

The fellowships are provided for a limited period ranging from 2 to 10 weeks during which the respective fellow is to conduct (or participate in) a research project, hold lecture(s) or seminars at a higher-education level, or study or review specific sets of written or other materials available in a public archive or library. The support is paid in the form of a lump sum scholarship amounting to €500/week paid in two instalments (80% and 20% respectively).

Applications for the program are accepted on a continuous basis in two periods: from 1 January to 30 June and from 1 August to 30 November. The application is submitted electronically via the My Visegrad system and must be accompanied by documents in English.

Further detailed information can be found on the website of the Visegrad Fellowship Program.