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  • Wystąpienie prof. Remigiusza Kozłowskiego z WZ UŁ – rola infrastruktury w zachowaniach użytkowników dróg

Wystąpienie prof. Remigiusza Kozłowskiego z WZ UŁ – rola infrastruktury w zachowaniach użytkowników dróg

The 19th International Conference "Contemporary Faces of Road Safety – Infrastructure – First Aid" was held at the Conference Centre of the Museum of the Second World War on 7 November 2024. The conference was organised by the Road Safety Centre in Lodz; the Education, Health and Safety Foundation and the Provincial Police Headquarters in Gdansk. The conference featured, among others, dr hab. Remigiusz Kozłowski, Associate Professor at the University of Lodz, from the Department of Logistics, Faculty of Management, University of Lodz.

The conference was attended by over 300 people: representatives of central and local authorities, representatives of embassies accredited in Poland, including France, Norway, Lithuania, uniformed services, representatives of the health service and companies related to the subject of the conference.

The discussion panels concerned the interdisciplinary approach to road safety, first aid and the role of infrastructure in road user behaviour – this topic was addressed by, among others, dr hab. Remigiusz Kozłowski, Associate Professor at the University of Lodz, Head of the Centre for Security Technology. Prof. Kozłowski spoke about the role of innovative technological solutions in ensuring road safety and sustainable development of infrastructure in the digital era.

Currently, there is a need for strategic, long-term planning of the development of an integrated digital system for ensuring road safety and at the same time limiting the negative impact on the natural environment. Then, implementation stages should be developed with particular emphasis on providing appropriate competences for human resources

– say dr hab. Remigiusz Kozłowski, Associate Professor at the University of Lodz.


R. Kozłowski at the conference

R. Kozłowski at the conference
More information about the conference 

Edit: Faculty of Management, University of Lodz