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  • Budżet Obywatelski „wspUŁrządzimy” – zagłosuj na wybrane projekty!

Budżet Obywatelski „wspUŁrządzimy” – zagłosuj na wybrane projekty!

Here they are – integrative, ecological, cultural and infrastructure projects. We present the list of initiatives that have received the recommendation of the University of Lodz's Civic Budget Committee. Voting has already started and will run until 14 May of the current year.

Initiatives and projects under "wspUŁrządzimy" could be submitted by all individuals who have the status of a student or doctoral student of the University of Lodz. The universal nature of the proposed projects, so that they can serve the entire community of the University of Lodz was the key issue.

In accordance with the Rule and Regulations of the Civic Budget of the University of Lodz, the Committee presents a list of recommended projects. Eight projects were selected – after consultations with the applicants two of them were merged into one joint project:

  1. "Montaż siatki przeciw gołębiom w X DS" [Installation of an anti-pigeon net in the University of Lodz Dormitory No 10],
  2. "Woda dla myśli i środowiska – dystrybutory wody na Kampusie UŁ" [Water for thoughts and the environment – water dispensers on the premises of the University of Lodz Campus],
  3. "BUŁ integruje" [The University of Lodz Library integrates], 
  4. "Film i prawa zwierząt – cykl spotkań filmowych na Wydziale Filologicznym" [Film and animal rights – a series of film meetings at the Faculty of Philology] , 
  5. "WspUŁpraca na kółkach" [Cooperation on wheels] , 
  6. "Integracyjna przestrzeń studencko-doktorancka" [Integrative student-doctoral student space], 
  7. "Wodny Zakątek – ogród deszczowy dla studenta i przyrody" [Wodny Zakątek – a rain garden for students and nature].

A detailed description of all projects is available at the link. (in Polish)


... and feel the satisfaction of changing the University of Lodz with us!
Voting is held on 6-14 May of the current year via USOSweb.

Dr hab. Robert Zakrzewski – the University of Lodz Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Education explains the issue related to the voting form:

Dear Students, Doctoral Students, 

I am very pleased that so many of you are taking part in the voting as part of the Civic Budget "WspUŁrządzimy". Together we can co-create our space and change the university. 

Here is a brief explanation of voting. 

Two identical projects to install water dispensers at the faculties of the University of Lodz have been submitted. With the consent of the applicants, they have been combined into one common project to cover all units that would be ready for it. However, in the voting form they appear as two independent projects that are not competitive with each other (their votes add up). 

The votes will be counted and presented to you. 

Once again, I highly encourage everyone to vote. 


We present the updated schedule for implementing activities in 2024:

  • 26 February – 26 March – submission of projects,
  • 4 April – 15 April – the Committee carries out formal and content-related evaluation, time for  
    supplementing the applications,
  • 29 April – announcement of the list of projects included in the voting,
  • 6 May – 14 May – voting and promotional activities of the applicants,
  • 29 May – announcement of the list of projects selected for implementation.

 Project implementation schedule in the period 2024/2025: 

  • 16 May 2024 – 16 May 2025 – implementation of the projects,
  • 21 May 2025 – summary of the implementation of the 1st edition.


Civic Budget "WspUŁrządzimy"

The Civic Budget, due to its participatory nature, is one of the tools to strengthen the engagement, sense of fitness and development of the University of Lodz. Thanks to it our communities of students and doctoral students have a real impact on the development of the university and its activities. It is a part of the Fund of the University of Lodz Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Education for government, scientific and organisational activities of students and doctoral students.

You can find more information in the news section of the UniLodz.


Source: Social Affairs Centre for Students and Doctoral Students, University of Lodz  
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz 
Photo: Bartosz Kałużny, Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz