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  • Konkurs na najlepszy projekt dot. współpracy uczelni z otoczeniem (UNIC)

Konkurs na najlepszy projekt dot. współpracy uczelni z otoczeniem (UNIC)

CityLabs are the flagship activity of the UNIC Alliance. They are joint initiatives undertaken by universities and their external environment (including local government units, private entities, non-governmental organisations, etc.) in order to develop effective solutions to societal challenges in Europe’s post-industrial cities. We encourage you to submit innovative and impactful projects to the UNIC Thematic Lines CityLabs Award competition. The two best ones will be presented during the UNIC conference in Malmö (Sweden) on 7-9 May 2025 and awarded two grants of PLN 2,200 each. Applications should be submitted by 16 March 2025.

The UNIC Thematic Lines CityLabs Award competition is open exclusively to academics and graduate students affiliated with ten UNIC partner universities. More information can be found on the UNIC website.

You can also learn more about how CityLabs works from the presentation below.