8-9.11 Konferencja „Młodzi o klimacie 2022” – UŁ partnerem merytorycznym wydarzenia


University of Lodz is a substantive partner of the conference whose aim is to provide a forum for young people and experts to discuss the issue of climate change, which is the greatest challenge of modern times. Dozens of researchers representing three faculties of the University of Lodz and numerous students from the UL student science clubs concerned about the state of our planet, have actively engaged in the event.

graphic of the conferenceUniversity of Lodz is committed to climate change issues at many levels. We believe that it is one of the most important challenges of the global world. For this reason, the scientists and students from our university had to take active part in the event, which is in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals contained in the UN Agenda 2030.

Experts in charge of the sessions will provide ample evidence that climate change is caused by human activity. Simultaneously, the COP27 World Climate Summit will be taking place in Egypt, so you can expect running commentary on the discussions and decisions made there.

The substantive side of the entire conference is the responsibility of the University of Lodz scientists and students from such units as: Faculty of Economics and Sociology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, Faculty of Management, including the following student science clubs:

  • “LOGIN” Student Science Club,
  • UL Ecohydrology Student Science Club, 
  • “SPATIUM” Student Science Club for Spatial Management,
  • Student Science Club for Nature Preservation,
  • Student Science Club for Sustainable Development. 

It is worth noting that both the University of Lodz researchers and students who are in charge of preparing the conference have been addressing the issue of climate change and human impact on it for years. A full list of experts chairing the sessions, along with a description of their research engagements, is available on the website of the conference.

The UL researchers and students engaged in the conference organisationPart of the University of Lodz team involved in preparing the event. Photo: Dr Izabela Różańska-Bińczyk

Video invitation to the conference with the participation of academics and students from the University of Lodz: 

The detailed programme of the conference is available on the event website. Workshops and other sessions are successively being added to it and high school students can still register for them. The programme will include panel discussions, workshops and demonstrations, focusing on such issues as:

  • water for the climate,
  • people-friendly cities,
  • sustainable consumption,
  • sustainable logistics,
  • anomalies caused by climate change.

Young people will also have an opportunity to prepare their own presentations of the content, which is important to them, in the form of papers or posters based on reliable sources. Researchers and students will chair the sessions in a way that engages the participants, which will allow maximisation of the young people potential.

The conference "Młodzi o klimacie 2022" has been held under the honorary patronage of the President of Lodz, Hanna Zdanowska, and under the patronage of the WWF Poland Foundation.

Source: Dr Agnieszka Rzeńca, Dr Izabela Różańska-Bińczyk, dr hab. Tomasz Jurczak, UL Professor;
Graphic, video: EC1;
Edit: Promotion Centre, University of Lodz