XVIII edycja Targów Pracy na #UniLodz za nami!


Nearly 5,000 students and graduates and over 50 employers offering internships, traineeships and jobs – the 18th edition of the Job Fair organised by the Career Office of the University of Lodz took place on Thursday (24 October) at the Faculty of Management of the University of Lodz. It is one of the largest events of this type in the region.

Job offers, internships and traineeships for students of the University of Lodz

It was already from 9:00 a.m.at the Faculty of Management of the University of Lodz that people participating in the event had the opportunity to talk and leave their CVs with representatives of employers representing various industries. The offer of companies, institutions and organisations participating in the fair was very wide and included proposals for internships, traineeships, jobs and training trips.

The official opening of the Job Fair, combined with a symbolic ribbon cutting ceremony, was attended by: Prof. dr hab. Rafał Matera – Rector of the University of Lodz, Prof. dr hab. Tomasz Czapla – Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Management, University of Lodz, Aleksandra Sowińska-Banaszkiewicz – Director General of the Lodz Voivodeship Office, Agnieszka Ryś – Vice-Marshal of the Lodz Voivodeship, Małgorzata Moskwa-Wodnicka – Vice-President of the City of Lodz, Agnieszka Belowska-Gosławska – Head of Compliance Office at Nordea, as well as representatives of the Main Partners of the event.

participants of the 18th edition of the Job Fair at the University of Lodz

participants of the 18th edition of the Job Fair at the University of Lodz

participants of the 18th edition of the Job Fair at the University of Lodz

Inspiring meetings – practical advice

In addition to the opportunity to meet recruiters directly, the event participants had the opportunity to use the Career Zone, where available specialists provided advice on building application documents. The zone also offered the services of a professional photographer and an opportunity to have your photo for a CV taken.

Participants of the fair could also enjoy countless attractions and win university gadgets. A specially prepared e-folder made it easy for them to find all the stands and attractions, as well as familiarise themselves with the characteristics of the exhibitors.

participants of the 18th edition of the Job Fair at the University of Lodz

participants of the 18th edition of the Job Fair at the University of Lodz

participants of the 18th edition of the Job Fair at the University of Lodz

participants of the 18th edition of the Job Fair at the University of Lodz

participants of the 18th edition of the Job Fair at the University of Lodz

participants of the 18th edition of the Job Fair at the University of Lodz
The University of Lodz Career Office – plan your future

The event participants also received full information on the possibilities and benefits of a wide range of initiatives conducted by the University of Lodz Career Office, which aims to strengthen students of various study programmes and support them in finding their professional path. During the event, the Career Office employees encouraged participants to reflect on their strengths, talents, experience and resources, and also suggested how to gain knowledge and skills that are useful on the labour market. Additionally, in a special career zone, they helped in setting goals and creating a development plan for their future career paths.

The University of Lodz Career Office during the event

The University of Lodz Career Office during the event

Nordea was this year's Strategic Partner of the event, while the Main Partners included: Accenture, Alorica, Rossmann, as well as the "Youth in Łódź" Programme, which was a Supporting Partner. Smaller companies and a dozen or so institutions as well as non-governmental organisations also joined the group of those present at the fair. They also presented their offer addressed to people seeking professional experience.

Job Fair at the University of Lodz – a photo report by the Faculty of Management

Source and phtos: Łukasz Dobiński, Dominik Nogala, Centre for External Relations, University of Lodz

Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz