Ambasadorzy UNIC – reprezentantki UŁ w Radzie Studentów UNIC


University of Lodz has been a member of the European University of Cities In Post-Industrial Transition, one of the 50 alliances of European Universities for 10 years. Currently, 10 universities belong to the UNIC Alliance. One of the tasks of the alliance is to raise awareness among students about the opportunities offered by the alliance. This task was entrusted to UNIC Ambassadors. We encourage you to meet two exceptional students who have decided to fulfil this role at the University of Lodz.

The UNIC Ambassador Programme at the University of Lodz is an initiative thanks to which we strengthen the University of Lodz students’ ties with the 9 other universities that make up the UNIC community. It serves to promote UNIC not only within our university but also among the inhabitants of Lodz. UNIC makes it possible to get involved within seven thematic paths, thanks to which university representatives can engage in the area that is most consistent with their competences and interests. Our university is represented in these activities by: Julita Maciejewska and Rumbidzai Hodzong.

Our university is represented in these activities by: Julita Maciejewska and Rumbidzai Hodzonge. We encourage you to learn more about the UNIC Ambassadors at the University of Lodz 


Julita Maciejewska  

She comes from Kalisz. She is a third-year law student (Uniform Master's Studies) at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz. She is interested in human rights. She is the chairwoman of the international law student science club. She is an active member in the European Law Students’ Association (ELSA), where she is currently the Vice-President for seminars and conferences in the local group ELSA Lodz.

Julita represents the University of Lodz community on the UNIC Student Board, participating in discussions about the vision of the future of UNIC. She is particularly active in the area of the fourth thematic track "Justice, Security and Institutions at UNIC". 

I am most proud of the fact that I can represent the University of Lodz student community at Student Board meetings. It is a great honour for me, but also a huge responsibility, to speak out on matters that concern the future of our post-industrial cities and universities. I have a sense of agency and I feel that I can influence the future of UNIC. I hold meetings with decision makers and I can say that the voice of students is heard. Last December, I had the opportunity to take part in a fantastic conference hosted by our university. Many valuable discussions took place and numerous ideas for areas of further cooperation within UNIC were proposed.


Recently, under the watchful eye of Dr Izabela Florczak, she has been preparing descriptions of Law Clinics operating at the University of Lodz, which will be included in the list of Law Clinics of the UNIC Alliance. Such a database will serve both students and researchers, as well as people using the assistance provided by the Clinics.


Rumbidzai Hodzonge 

She was born and raised in Harare – the capital city of Zimbabwe. She is a first-year student of business management (Uniform Master's Studies) at the Faculty of Management. The decision to join UNIC results from her deep belief in the significance of integration and active participation in social activities. This involvement is closely related to her personal process of integration with the new environment – she has been living in Lodz since September 2023.

The ideas of UNIC resonate with my personal values of collaboration and community involvement. As a UNIC Ambassador, I represent our university on the UNIC Student Board. The sixth thematic path, concerning health and well-being is the main area of my activity. Moreover, I am a member of a working group focused on the activities of student associations and organisations. We are looking for ways to increase engagement and networking of people from different universities through UNIC. The people I work with are very inspiring. Our ambition is to empower members of university communities, enabling students, doctoral students and university staff to move freely within and beyond UNIC. Virtual mobility and participation in online classes provided by partner universities will also play a key role in broadening our educational horizons.


The alliance is currently made up of 10 partner universities, including: 

  • Erasmus University Rotterdam (Niderlandy) jako koordynator 
  • University of Deusto (Hiszpania) 
  • Ruhr University Bochum (Niemcy) 
  • University College Cork (Irlandia) 
  • Koç University (Turcja) 
  • University of Liège (Belgia) 
  • University of Oulu (Finlandia) 
  • University of Zagreb (Chorwacja) 
  • Uniwersytet Łódzki (Polska) 
  • Malmö University (Szwecja). 


The alliance's plans for the coming years are as follows:

  • developing various forms of innovative education
  • supporting academic teachers in developing teaching tools and workshops
  • mobility – also virtual, and creating joint educational formats. 

The next stage of the alliance is to further support the development of knowledge through cooperation, innovation and integration for social impact.

More information about the UNIC Alliance


Edit: Agata Dawidowicz, Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz
Photos: Bartosz Kałużny, Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz