Rektor UŁ powołał Radę ds. równego traktowania


Rector of the University of Lodz – Prof. dr hab. Rafał Matera has established the Equality Council. The Council plays an advisory role. Its mission is to elaborate, develop and implement organisational, administrative and educational solutions at the University of Lodz in accordance with the principles of equal treatment, aimed at countering all forms of discrimination in the academic environment.

The Equality Council was established by the Regulation No. 79 of the Rector of the University of Lodz of 16 January 2025. It will develop models and good practices in this area, thus fitting into the contemporary assumptions of social responsibility of the university. 

Members of the Council include:

  • representatives of the University of Lodz faculties,
  • representatives of the University of Lodz organisational units,
  • experts in counteracting discrimination,
  • individuals representing entities involved in the implementation of the Gender Equality Plan,
  • representatives of trade unions operating at the University of Lodz,
  • representatives of the University of Lodz Students' Government Council and the University of Lodz Doctoral Students' Government Council.

You can find more information and the details on the composition of the Council on the website of the Equality Council and in the above-mentioned Regulation.

The Secretariat of the Council is run by the University's Centre for External Relations and Social Responsibility of the University.


Source, edit: Agata Dawidowicz, Centre for External Relations and Social Responsibility of the University, University of Lodz