2025 EUA Learning and Teaching Forum: zaproszenie do nadsyłania artykułów


On behalf of UNIC's alliance partner, University Collage Cork, we would like to invite you to participate in the 2025 European Learning & Teaching Forum “2030 and beyond: towards responsive and adaptable higher education” will be hosted by University College Cork in Ireland on 27-28 February 2025.

We invite you to submit proposals for abstracts of workshops or presentations that are related to the Forum theme “2030 and beyond: towards responsive and adaptable higher education.”  

Submitted proposals may be based on research (i.e. analysing concepts or data related to learning and teaching), prompting discussions on the implications for policy or practice. Alternatively, submissions may present an institutional case study or policy approaches at national or European level, analysing the success factors, challenges encountered, possible shortcomings and transferability to other contexts.  

Detailed information about the call and the application form can be found at the link: Forum: Call_for_contributions

Leadership and management in higher education institutions, researchers, teachers, students and other interested stakeholders are invited to submit proposals until October 18th, 2024.  

For more information, please visit the event page.