Konferencja CEST’2024 na Wydziale Zarządzania UŁ

Place of the event: Matejki 22/26, 90-237 Łódź
When: 12 December 2024 (Thursday) - 14 December 2024 (Saturday) All day

The initiator of the CEST'2024 conference is the Current Economic & Social Topics International Research Association (CESTiRA), established by the participants of the CEST'2015 conference, which was held at the Faculty of Management of the University of Lodz in December 2015. This year's conference will take place at the Faculty of Management of the University of Lodz on 12-14 December 2024 in a hybrid format.

During the conference, the following topics will be discussed:

  • entrepreneurship & innovations,  
  • financial & capital markets,
  • globalisation,
  • integration & convergence,
  • labour markets & diversities,
  • pension systems reforms,
  • socio-economic growth & implications of covid-19 pandemic in these areas and 
  • management, leadership & governance (especially under ESG conditions),
  • finance & accounting.

The conference, apart from the usual thematic scope, opens up the opportunity for students of Doctoral Schools to present their achievements in the presence of scientific authorities and to take part in a competition with awards for the best work with the possibility of a peer-reviewed publication. This year's Colloquium will be dedicated to commemorating the Great Friends of CESTiRA Association, Professors Laurence R.Klein, Stephan Klasen and Edward C. Prescott, to whom separate thematic sessions will be devoted, moderated by recognized authorities of the community. The language of the conference is English.

The CEST®2024 Colloquium will be held under the patronage of the Rector of the University of Szczecin, the Rector of the Casimir Pulaski Radom University, the Dean of the College of Business and Economics of the University of Johannesburg (RSA), the Dean of the School of Business Administration, Stetson University (USA), and the President of the Statisctics Poland

The conference is a non-commercial event – the entry fee covers the cost of membership in the Association. Participation of Doctoral School students is free of charge.

The conference organisers include: Current Economic & Social Topics International Research Association CESTiRA, Faculty of Management of the University of Lodz, Institute of Management of the University of Szczecin, Casimir Pulaski Radom University, College of Business and Economics University of Johannesburg

More detailed information can be found on the CEST’2024 conference website.

More information about the Association: Cestira.eu

Edit: Faculty of Management, University of Lodz

Place of the event: Matejki 22/26, 90-237 Łódź

Date and time of the event: 12 December 2024 (Thursday) - 14 December 2024 (Saturday) All day


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